Isu "Last Seen" dan "Double Check" di Aplikasi Whatsapp

isu whatsapp ni adalah masalah yang paling kesyeee. bila someone tu dah last seen, tapi tak balas, memang a big trouble will come ! kan ? tak pun, tulisnya online, tapi tak jawab-jawab apa yang kita tanya. lagi rasa nak meletup kannn ?

aplikasi whatsapp dah macam jadi kewajipan untuk semua. especially, students di IPT mahupun para penjawat am dan swasta. kalau takde tenet, takde whatsapp, rasa macam nak pengsan sebab tak tahu pape. HAHA.

bila naik isu macam ni, aku sendiri rasa pelik. macam mana aku boleh hidup tanpa whatsapp ni dulu ? sebab aku start pakai android ni pun, hujung tahun lepas. menda ni, dah start lama dah. kah ! aku pun tepuk dahi...

okayyy. bukan nak merepek sangat pun. just nak bagitahu sedikit informasi or cara untuk mengenal pasti masalah seseorang kat whatsapp ni.

these checkmarks are actually very important since they are indicators that acknowledge the delivery of a message. here is what they mean:
  •  - message successfully delivered to the server.
  •  - message successfully delivered to the phone of your chat partner. Note: this does not indicate that the message was read, just that it was delivered.
also note that in a group chat you will only see one check mark indicating that the message was successfully delivered to the server.
if you only see a single check mark next to your message, there is likely nothing wrong with whatsapp or your phone. there may be several reasons why your message is delivered to the server, but not to your chat partner:
  • *their phone might be turned off or their phone's battery might be dead.
  • *they could be sleeping, especially if they live in a different time zone.
  • *they may not be connected to the internet (for example, if they are in an elevator, roaming or have no data credits).
  • *they might have seen the notification on the screen, but did not launch the app to acknowledge message receipt (very common in case of iPhone recipients).
  • *they might have blocked.

so, nampak kannn ? maka, jangan marah kalau member kau tak reply whatsapp tapi dah dabel tick. kalau nak sound jugak, tengok last seenya bila and then baru maki. kalau rasa tak nak kena maki, off kan last seen kau. kau tak dapat tengok last seen orang, orang tak dapat tengok last seen kau, puas hati. HAHA.

tapi, tak dinafikan memang ramai orang bergaduh pasal isu "last seen" dan "double check" ni. serius.

Hey there ! I am using WhatsApp.
